IT Office Services

Desktop Operations

The IT Desktop Operations Unit offers various options for obtaining assistance with Hocking College Office of Information Technology provided services. Whether by phone, online self-service, or in person, our IT Operations Support Team can assist you with a service issue, service request, and general questions regarding Information Technology services.

Customers are encouraged to utilize any of the following IT Desktop Operations Support options:
  • Online Service Request
  • Online Self-Service
  • Phone Support
  • Walk-in Computer Help Desk Support 
The IT Desktop Operations Unit provides assistance with:
  • Daily Operation Requests
  • Email issues
  • Faculty, Staff and Administrative Hardware and Software Support
  • Classroom and Computer Lab Support
  • Remote Login for Service Repairs and Updates
  • Site-License Maintenance, Software Installs, Updates and Services
  • Identity Maintenance (Logins and passwords for Hocking College Systems)
  • Virus Issues
  • New Equipment Specification and Pricing
  • Asset management and planning for academic and business units and help coordinate unit and institutional plans to maximize buying hardware and software.

Network Services

Hocking College offers a high-speed, high-reliability voice and data network.

Our data network provides a mix of 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps or 1000 Mbps switched Ethernet to every office, classroom, lab and residence hall on the Hocking campus, with 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac wireless Internet available campus-wide.

Internet Bandwidth

Hocking College is connected to the Internet through OARnet, with 500 Mbps of total availability.

500 Mbps, dedicated to on-campus academics and administrative resources, which is linked into peer Universities and Colleges, K-12 schools and economic development centers.

Wireless @ Hocking FAQs

Where are the Wireless Network access points?

Hocking College has provided Wireless access to faculty and registered students campus-wide at the Nelsonville campus, Washington Hall, McClenaghan Center, Logan campus and Perry Campus

What hardware do I need to connect to the Hocking Wireless network?

The Hocking Wireless network supports 802.11a/b/g/n/ac compatible Wireless Network Interface Cards (Wireless NIC). Your laptop, tablet or cellphone must have these interfaces installed and functioning properly in order to connect to the Hocking Wireless network.

What software and configuration do I need to connect to the Wireless access points?


To connect to the Wireless Network, you must configure your Service Set Identifier (SSID) or your Wireless device in the Wireless configuration. The following list identifies which SSID is located at each facility:


Hocking's main campus has one unified SSID that services Natural Resources, Public Safety Services, Library, Cafeteria in John Light Hall, Concourse in John Light Hall and Recreation Center. SSID = hocking.

Location SSID
Main Campus hocking
Washington Hall wash1
The McClenaghan Center hocking


A web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome is required to use the Wireless. Computer Network Services also recommends that your virus scanner (Symantec or McAfee) is working and up to date. Hocking also requests that you run updates for your computer regularly. Microsoft updates can be checked online by visiting

Is the Wireless Network secure?

Wireless networks should be considered unsecured. Hocking's Wireless network is no exception to this rule, and should be used appropriately. Connections are logged and monitored on a regular basis. Hocking makes no claims of security, use at your own risk.

What can I access through the Hocking Wireless network?

Services that will be available through the Hocking Wireless network include:

  • HTTP

Computer and Network Usage Policy

Hocking College provides computing resources to support the academic activities of the institution. The resources are intended for the sole use of the college faculty, staff, students and other authorized users.

By utilizing Hocking College computing and network resources, you give consent to accessing and monitoring, in order to enforce this policy and to protect the integrity of computer systems or the rights or property of the university. System administrators may examine or make copies of files that are suspected of misuse or that have been corrupted or damaged.

Administrative Computing

Administrative Computing is responsible for supporting the administrative data processing needs of the institution. As part of the Information Technology department, Administrative Computing works collaboratively with all areas of the College to provide administrative and academic services to students, administration, faculty and staff.

Administrative Computing Provides Support for:

  • The institution's ERP system (Colleague), including coordination across the institution's functional areas of Admissions, Cashiers & Records, Financial Aid, Human Resources, Payroll, and Fiscal Operations
  • Security for and provisioning of Colleague users
  • General user application support for administrative applications
  • Ad hoc reporting
  • Administrative reporting
  • Administrative Software evaluation and implementations
  • Colleague software updates
  • System backups

Telephone Services

The college's telephone system is maintained and supported by Zoom Phone.

Learn and get support with Zoom Phone

Informational Security

The Office of Information Technology has provided this site to increase your awareness of security best practices, tools, and other preventive measures for securing College technology resources and personal information.

Maintaining these resources at Hocking is vital to the educational and operational missions of the College. Supporting these missions is the responsibility of all members of the College community.

Some of these resources include:

  • alerts regarding the latest relevant security threats
  • tips for protecting data and systems
  • how to report a security incident
  • information security related topics 

Data Destruction & Recycling

From home, from the office, from your residence hall... computers allow people to access and use sensitive information in many ways. Social Security numbers, bank account information, credit card numbers, and medical history can be very valuable information in someone else's hands.

One of the most common ways sensitive information is breached is the result of computer users not properly disposing of data when they are finished using it (i.e. getting a new computer, records on CD). Simply hitting the "delete" key does not completely remove the data from a hard drive and with the proper technique the data remnants can be easily retrieved.

The goal is to ensure that no sensitive data remains on computer/server hard drives leaving the College and to ensure that equipment which is expensive to maintain is removed from campus and not redistributed to other departments.

Equipment or peripherals meeting this category may include but is not limited to:

  • Removable storage (floppy disks, USB flash drives, CDs, DVDs, External disk drives)
  • Hard Drives
  • Computers
  • Printers
  • Monitors
  • Keyboards/Mice
  • Network cabling

All peripherals can be dropped off at the OIT helpdesk or can be scheduled for pickup as necessary. Computer hard drives and other removable storage devices are sanitized utilizing software which meets the Department of Defense (DOD) standards for the removal of data. Only authorized Information Technology personnel will sanitize hard drives and removable storage.


Do you have old equipment sitting around? Fax machines, printers, typewriters, computers, etc? Computers and peripherals are not biodegradable and can contain harmful chemicals and heavy metals. In accordance with State IT disposal laws (DAS), the College utilizes recycling best practices to help keep hazardous materials out of landfills. Our recycling service and procedure's will ensure data is securely removed from the machine and that the device is properly disposed.

Digital Copyright Safeguards - Higher Education Opportunity Act

It is the responsibility of all users of the Hocking College information technology resources to know and understand all relevant laws and policies that govern its use. For the most part, members of the Hocking community obey college policies and procedures. However, one issue that is more commonly dismissed, not only by Hocking students, but by many college and university students across the nation, is the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). DMCA stands for Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Passed in 1998, the DMCA provides "limitations for service provider liability relating to material online" and specifically contains a section that stipulates a university's responsibilities as an Internet Service Provider (ISP). In other words, the DMCA tells Hocking what it can and cannot do with respect to facilitating the transfer of files. The College as a service provider can give its users the connections they need to transfer files, but if any illegal activity is detected, the College must guarantee that the transfers have ceased.

The DMCA holds the College liable if illegal file transfers persist but limits the College's liability if it cooperates fully with every aspect of the law.

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) and the Office of Student Affairs have implemented a layered approach to educate students on the issues surrounding the DMCA as well as measures to help enforce proper use of information technology. o Hocking College recognizes the Higher Educational Opportunity Act (HEOA)

The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) was signed into law on August 14, 2008. Enforcement of the HEOA provisions formally began on July 1, 2010.

Several sections of the HEOA deal with unauthorized file sharing on campus networks, imposing three general requirements on all U.S. colleges and universities:

  1. An annual disclosure to students describing copyright law and campus policies related to violating copyright law.
  2. A plan to "effectively combat the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials" by users of its network, including "the use of one or more technology-based deterrents".
  3. A plan to "offer alternatives to illegal downloading".

Download response to HEOA

Digital Copyright Safeguards Program

The Digital Copyright Safeguard program focuses on awareness programs that cover the criteria listed within the Higher Education Opportunity Act.

Education Awareness

Hocking College is committed to educational awareness and has developed programs to help disseminate information describing copyright laws.

Copyright infringement and Summary of Penalties

Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement.

Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or "statutory" damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For "willful" infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys' fees. For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505.

Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense. 

Legal Alternatives

Visit the Legal Sources of Online Content page for a list of legitimate online services that offer free or low-cost music and other forms of digital media.

Reacting to DMCA Notices

If Hocking College receives notice of alleged DMCA violation, actions are immediately expedited to further analyze, diagnose, remove, and/or block access to the alleged infringed materials. Designated Agent logs all alleged notifications with documented finding and action items.

As a result, the Office of Information Technology will forward a letter of alleged infringement to Campus Judiciaries for students or to appropriate disciplinary authority for employees, who will in turn notify the alleged individual of the complaint.



What is the DMCA
Educause connect - DMCA

Copyright infringement
The act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement.

Security Resources

Security Alerts
Hocking College will never call or email you asking for your login name, password, or Social Security Number. If you receive a phone call or email asking for this information, do not provide it and immediately call the Help Desk at x6113

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